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Facing life's challenges isn't easy. We believe that you should have access to the tools and resources you need to make the process a bit more manageable.

Lending Library


Our Lending Library contains books, films, and other resources on a wide range of topics including death, grief, loss, and caregiving. 


Visit us Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm to access the Lending Library. It's free! 


Resources for Caregivers


St. Giles Hospice- Leaflets for Carers: advice on a variety of topics for caregivers, including: how to combat sleeplessness, CPR, caregiving guides, etc. 


Elder Care Resources Alaska: range of videos, webinars, and articles about making the most of time spent with care receivers. 


National Alliance for Caregiving- Resources: includes general caregiving, finances and work, caregiver health, care recipient health, military family resources. 

Death & Dying


Dying Matters: resources to help prepare for, and start the conversation about, end of life.


How to be there for a Dying Friend


How Not to Say the Wrong Thing


Let's Have Dinner and Talk About Death 


Five Wishes advance care planning 


The Caregivers: A moving, intimate, and compassionate book that chronicles the experiences of a group of long-term caregivers and illuminates critical issues of old age, end-of-life care, medical reform, and social policy

Grief & Bereavement


TEARS Foundation offers peer companionship and financial assistance to Alaskans who suffer pregnancy and infant loss


How to Write a Condolence Note


How to Talk to Kids About Death


Talking to Kids About Death and Grief: 10 Comprehensive Tips


This is How Your Body Really Processes Grief


What's Your Grief is a well organized resource of articles on a variety of topics related to grief and loss.


Mindfulness & Grief explores grief and loss through mediation, yoga and journaling.


Refuge In Grief provides emotionally intelligent grief support. 




Speaking Grief has helpful documentaries, videos, and stories.


Words of support for those grieving the loss of a pet

Support Group Session

Alzheimer's & Related Dementia 


Alzheimer's Association: Support for People with Dementia


Alzheimer's Resource of Alaska


This Caring Home: find tips and tools to enhance home safety for people with Alzheimer's and other types of dementia, including a virtual tour of a typical house that walks visitors through research-based solutions to home safety and daily care issues. 


Alzheimer's Society: Safety in the Home 


National Institute on Aging: Home Safety for People with Alzheimer's Disease





Read, watch, and listen to stories from people who are experiencing grief, end of life, caregiving, care recieving, etc. Just another reminder that none of us are alone in life's journey, joys and challenges! 


One Man's Quest to Change the Way We Die 

How B.J. Miller, a doctor and triple amputee, used his own experience to pioneer a new model of palliative care at a small, quirky hospice in San Francisco. 


The Myth of Closure: listen to Pauline Boss talk about ambiguous loss on the podcast, On Being. 


This American Life: Stories of Loss


AARP: Caregivers Share Their Stories


Sheryl Sandburg wrote a beautiful essay about the sudden death of her husband, Dave Goldberg. 


Angelo Merendion's photos of his wife Jennifer capture love and loss beautifully. 


Before I Go: Time warps for a young surgeon, Paul Kalanithi, with metastatic lung cancer.  


The Genius of Marian: An intimate family portrait that explores the heartbreak of Alzheimer's disease, the power of art and the meaning of family. Coming to Netflix April 1st. 


Michael Rosen's Sad Book: a beautiful anatomy of loss, illustrated by Quentin Blake. 


A Nurse Reflects on the Privilege of Caring for Dying Patients, audio story from NPR. 


Emily McDowell's empathy cards can help you say just the right thing. 

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