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The BHV Endowment Fund

The Brave Heart Volunteers Endowment Fund was initiated in 2013 through the foresight and generosity of David and Margaret Steward, who made a substantial gift of $50,000. Since then, the funds have grown nearly tenfold and the

endowment is now managed by the Juneau Community Foundation. The Stewards recently pledged another generous gift of $10,000, with an invitation for others to contribute as well, to ensure that every Sitkan facing terminal illness, isolation, and grief will continue to have the support they need.


What does a gift to the endowment mean?


A simple analogy is to think of BHV as a flower garden and every donation is a beautiful flower in the garden. General donations, along with fundraising and grant monies, are the garden “annuals," like marigolds and petunias. They last only for a season and require replanting each year, but their steady vibrant blooms brighten the garden and bring fulfillment for the entire season. Whereas, gifts to the endowment are the “perennials,” like forget-me-nots and Sitka roses. Although they need time to mature, with proper care and planting, they regrow, multiply, and last for many years. Their lovely blossoms also extend the garden’s colorful season and make an impact year after year. Overall, a mix of annuals and perennials creates a successful, healthy garden, and with attentive cultivation, will continue to offer a bountiful return.


Your gift helps us to help others


It's quite fitting that the Brave Heart Volunteers office is situated among the beautiful gardens of the Sitka Pioneers Home. Thanks to the kindness of all our donors, we are able to serve Sitka annually and we aim to be here perennially. Your contribution to the BHV Endowment Fund secures our longevity and (1) safeguards the BHV Mission to provide companionship, respite, and education to those facing loneliness, grief, and end of life; (2) helps finance staffing and program needs; (3) allows BHV to offer free services permanently.


Thank you for making a contribution to the BHV Endowment Fund today!

You may donate by credit card using the donation button below

or mail a check to:


Juneau Community Foundation

350 North Franklin Street, Suite 4

Juneau, AK 99801


Please include your name and address to receive a tax deduction letter, and

consider adding 3% to your donation to cover the online transaction.

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Thank you to all our generous supporters who have donated to the

Brave Heart Volunteers Endowment Fund! 

David & Margaret Steward

Sitka Community Hospital Foundation

Jude Reis

Aleeta Bauder

Andrea Thomas & Steve Reifenstuhl

Angela McGraw

Ariel Starbuck

Auriella Hughes

Barbara Hames

Barry Bergdoll

Bitsy Mosher

Bobbie Sherrod

Brenda Bean

Brent & Valerie Edwards

Bridget Hitchcock

Candi Barger

Carol Vorst

Carolyn Hammack

Catherine Allgood-Mellema

CBC Construction

Charles & Christine Horan 

Cheryl Call

Christine Harrington

Cindy Edwards & Brant Brantman 

Coleen O'Brien

Connie Sipe

Cynthia Gibson

Deanna Bennett

Debra Pohlman

Dennis & Jane Demmert 

Dennis & Jean Longstreth 

Elizabeth Faulkner

Ellen Frankenstein

First National Bank of Alaska

Flora Dexter Peterson

Gail Tracy-Roderick

Gary & Deb Paxton

Georgia Rogers

Gretchen Clarke

Gus Adams

Heidi & Karla Horner Raffaele 

Heidi Steward

Hilary Canty

Jack Ozment

Jay & Amy Sweeney

Jay Badagliacca

Jean Frank

Jeff Budd

Jody Smothers Marcello

John & Jo Cunningham

John Straley

Julie Simpson

Kara Knox

Karen Grussendorf

Kathy Miller

Kathleen Maloy

Kim Hunter

Kris Fulton

Larry Edwards

Leanne Griffin

Lily Herwald

Linda M. Schmidt

Lisa Busch

Lois Rhodes

Marg Ann Parsons

Marie Murray

Mark Hackett

Martin Enterprises

Martina Kurzer

Mary Chambers

Mary Beth Nelson

Mary Lisa Carenza

Max & Bonnie Cotrell 

Melanie Kabler

Melonie Boord

Michael Mayo

Michelle Putz

Mike & Cindy Litman

Mike & Tonya Venneberg

Mim McConnell

Nancy Leclerc-Davidson

Norma Schuiteman

Pamela Ash

Pat Welsh

Patricia Eliason

Paulla Hardy

Phyllis Hackett

R. I. Eliason

Ralph Ash

Rebecca Poulson

Michele Friedman & Roland Wirth

Rosie Manning

Sarah Jordan

Sarah Lawrie

Scott & Cleo Klemzak Brylinksy

Sharon Cox

Sheila Finkenbinder

Sherie Mayo

Sheryl Carey

Silver Bay Seafoods

Stanley & Nancy Barge

Steve Fish

Steve Lawrie 

Steve Paustian

Susan Padilla

Thad & Sandy Poulson 

Thelma Herman

Trevor Harang

Vern & Ruth Culp

Victoria D'Amico

William & Nancy Yaw Davis

Willow Moore

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