About BHV
One of the best aspects of Brave Heart Volunteers
is our shared desire to help and serve our neighbors. Such a spirit of love and compassion strengthens and benefits our entire community.

Brave Heart Volunteers is a nonprofit organization offering free social, emotional, and educational support services in Sitka, Alaska. Our mission is to provide compassionate care, companionship, respite, and education to those facing illness, isolation, end of life, and grief.
For over two decades, we have served at the bedsides of the dying, offered bereavement support for the grieving, and companioned those who suffer profound loneliness. BHV also provides outstanding volunteer training in end-of-life comfort care and elder companionship; education and respite for caregivers; and community education on grief, loss, and death. We also serve as an outlet for dozens of dedicated volunteers who have a heart for helping others.
Established in 2001 by two local nurses and a committed group of community members, BHV sought to address gaps in Sitka's hospice and palliative care services. Initial meetings brought together representatives from civic- and service-related organizations, health care providers, faith groups, and countless caring individuals. Brave Heart Volunteers is the result of this most generous community that genuinely desires to uplift their neighbors in need.
In 2004 we received our Tlingit name, Yee gu.aa yax x'wan which means Be of Brave Heart. The name reflects the strong connections we have with our care receivers, volunteers, and community, as we are all called upon to be brave in the face of health challenges and even death.
Where We Are